Thursday, April 01, 2010


Please remember one of my sweet friends, Esther, in your prayers. She is the sister of my friend, Sally, and a member of my church.

A few weeks ago Esther, while pregnant, got sick. Her illness, along with gestational diabetes prompted the doctors to deliver her baby, Elliott, by C-Section a few weeks early. Following the delivery, Esther's condition worsened and she contracted pneumonia. Much of the time she has been under full sedation, and has been on oxygen for a few weeks, and has since been moved to 100% oxygen.

Last night several of our priests visited her to commune her and to give her anointing through Holy Unction. Please pray that these sacraments will work for her healing and full recovery.

Her condition is incredibly bleak. Please remember her in her prayers. Along with her family, especially her sister, Sally, who is taking care of baby Elliott for the time being and for Esther's husband Luis.

Below is a prayer for the sick:

"O holy Father, heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, who hast sent thine Only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to heal all our ailments and deliver us from death: do thou visit and heal thy servant Esther, granting her release from pain and restoration to health and vigor, that she may give thanks unto thee and bless thy holy Name, of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

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