Monday, September 01, 2008

it's a lovely day for a brunch-nic, or is it a pic-runch?

Either way you slice it it's a lovely idea. This morning, in celebration of Labor day we had a brunch-picnic with some dear friends. Our menu included cheese grits, beignets (made by Brandon, he's a keeper isn't he?), eggs, cantaloupe, croissants, clementines, bagels, brie, and even chocolate cake and cookies! Gigi even made coffee at home and brought it! It was quite the meal.

I don't know if anyone in the history of picnics or brunch has combined the two things. I would personally like to take credit for the invention if you don't mind, you should try it sometime. I'd love to join you... I make a mean some pretty nice cheese grits!

Here's your weekly B & C fix. I think we're our happiest on a picnic blanket. Logistically, we don't quite love the eating on a blanket, that's what picnic tables are for. Blankets are for cloud watching and book reading.

This is my buddy Anna Marie, how much do we love this hat?... And that precious face!

We had girl time on the blanket, while they guys played a rousing game of horseshoes. (L to R- Gigi, Kh. Jeanette, and ccm.)

I think Father Nicholas won the game.

I wish I could be entertained by playing hide and go seek with my Mom!
The weather was perfect, although a couple of us ended up with cheese grits in our lap, due to the fierce wind. It was a wonderful way to spend the holiday.
For our brunch I also made these "Nutmeg Doughnut Muffins." Personally I've never been a huge fan of nutmeg, but the author of the blog where I found the recipe made them sound irresistible. Kh. Susan sent me a link to this blog, Orangette, and I think I'm best friends with the author, even though we haven't met one another yet, and she lives in Seattle. She calls these special occasion muffins, and I think she's right. The batter is like a sticky biscuit dough and then the muffins are brushed with butter and rolled in powdered sugar. They are perfect. I think I have a new favorite brunch standby. They paired very well with a cup of black coffee, they make me feel like I'm in a cafe in Europe somewhere, even if I'm at a park in Memphis. Do try this recipe, I promise it will not disappoint.

Happy eating, and happy Labor Day dear readers.

P.S. At some point tomorrow I promise to post about the meal we had at our friend Murphy's restaurant. It's in the works.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like y'all had a fantastic time...being together & eating...especially the eating part. I look forward to trying the muffins sometime.
Wish we could have come...but there were many projects to finish of which I am 2 for 3...almost done with the third...yay!

Lee said...

where is this park you were at? looks beautiful..

Anonymous said...

time for a new post dear caitlyn...don't leave us in suspense any longer!